Monday, June 16, 2008

Am I Too Blunt?

Maria_PQC: I think it's a bad idea that we hang out tonight. I just broke up w someone & might wanna fuck your brains out in an attempt to prove to myself that I'm okay.

Maria_PQC: Not that I flatter myself by assuming you have feelings for me that are more than platonic. But, rather than lying, I thought I'd be my usual blunt self.

Maria_PQC: Next week I should be better. How about we hang out then?

Cute_Guy_Friend: Thats cool.tho 4 the recond I hav no problem with the 1st idea.


María said...

No. You're perfect. LOL.

Maria said...

thanks, love! you're pretty awesome yourself ;)

dejanae said...

bluntness is good

Maria said...

