Sunday, November 2, 2008

My. Life. Is. So. Fucking. Awesome.

I'm finally making bank as a dominatrix. I'm thisclose to landing a 9-5 that I don't hate. I moved in to a new apartment that is AWESOME, i.e., close to trains, affordable, with the awesomest of awesome roommates, large, and in New York City. My health insurance is kicking in and I get to use it in a couple of weeks when I visit a gyno that's been recommended by a close friend. I can finally start paying off my credit card debt. Wondermazing and HOT men and women are knocking on the door of my pussy. Family and friend ish is working out. Life is good.

Just wanted to brag.


MarĂ­a said...

Move over, I'm coming to visit.

Maria said...

you want the address now or after you get your cute behind to NYC? seriously. I'm so down for a visit from you!