Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Geez louise, just lemme work already!

Officially, I have four gigs. Jobs, I guess, if you wanna call em that. Each of em are part-time and have a lotta earning potential. Their purpose is to make me money, but only one of em is really doin that, so...

*insert banshee wail here*

Overall, emotionally, I'm doing well. I'm surrounding myself with positive people, I'm being productive, going to work, doing trainings, exercising, playing with the cat, etc... I'm bonding with my mom and my brother and spending time with close friends. I'm writing up a storm yet again.


It's frustrating, knowing that you're doing pretty well but not having any solid evidence to back up this truth. I wanna get an apartment of my own already, and for that to happen, money must be made. Soon. Seriously. I have plans and goals, damnit. And they need to be met.


I hate to say it, but tonight I think I'm gonna be scouring craigslist for office work.


María said...

I need a job. You're making me look *really* bad here Maria, with all this initiative.

Anonymous said...


dejanae said...

what immoral matriarch said

Maria said...


IM & Dej - what's that line from "How to Be a Player"? I think it's something like, "When the environment becomes hostile, you're forced to change."

That's wassup. Fo real.