Of course, the fact that I'm STRESSED about EVERYTHING doesn't help matters. Not at all.
I went on a total of 4 dominatrix interviews. One of them offered me a job, but made it clear that they were hiring me to a brothel - not a dungeon. One of them never got back to me. And the last two... Well, they seem really promising.
Of the two that might hire me, one of them called back and said they're having a bad month and can't hire anyone new until business picks up; they told me to get back to them in about a month.
My girl, Opera Singer, used to work at the other place; she informed me that my interviewer is a hard-ass who likes to startle girls in order to better psycho-analyze them. Judging by the fact that he and I got along swimmingly, I'm guessing I nailed the interview. We spent almost an hour talking about everything from politics to exercise to the great outdoors. He said I'd definitely hear back from him, sooner or later. Since it's been about a week, my money's on later. Much later.
I'm kind of surprised that I'm not stressing so much on this. Partially, it's because I've learned to accept things as they are. Partially, it's because I've secured two very part time jobs, working for women that I've worked for in the past; I've also talked my way into a steady part-time gig on campus, which I will secure in the next few days. But, most of all, I'm actually pretty certain that one of those last two dom jobs is gonna call me back.
Here's my logic: both men with whom I interviewed were no-nonsense types. They had no problems telling Opera Singer they didn't want her working for them (one on the phone, the other in person). I figure, if they took the time to call me back, have long conversations with me, et al., odds are, I'll hear from them eventually.
Besides: I have a really nasty case of bed bug bites, and there's no way in hell I woulda gotten any clients looking the way that I look. See:

Okay, so that's not me. But my bites are worse. And they're EVERYWHERE. So yeah. You get the idea.Rob said, jokingly, yesterday, as he dabbed hydrogen peroxide on the bites: "Maybe this is God's way of saying you shouldn't be a dom?"
Besides money woes, I've been having problems of the social variety. Friends have been acting petty, family members have been getting on my nerves more than usual, issues have been brought up that beg my attention. Plus, I'm dog-sitting for a good friend, and God knows I love my friend, but she's kept the poor dog in a cage or on a leash for most of its life, and it's the least socialized or obedient dog EVER. Yet more to worry, aggravate, and irritate me.
I'm trying to handle all of this while keeping my priorities in mind, but sometimes - like while I'm waiting for my period and feeling ridiculously hormonal - I just wanna lash out.
Thankfully, the only person I've been lashing out at is Rob, and not only can he handle it - he helps me get to the root of the problem and fix what's ailing me.
::hugs:: It'll get better. You're a strong gal. Sorry about the bedbugs. They suck, literally and figuratively!
good luck with the job situation hon
them bites cleared up yet?
*hugs back* thanks, Anna!
Hey, D! The crazy redness of the bites have died down, now they're brown scar-looking things. My doc assures me they'll clear up soon.
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