Sunday, September 28, 2008

My exploding ego will be on hiatus.

At least for a little while.

By this I mean: I will be blogging over at for the time being. Lots of work-related issues I wanna dive into, and I just don't have the time and energy to do both blogs.

Before I go, though, I want to leave you all with this tidbit: I'm staying. I'm at least 95% sure of it. I think an overwhelming sense of frustration led me to want to go, and that, though it's a good idea, it's a better idea to choose "fight" instead of "flight." It helps that Mei offered to make me a full-time employee by the end of the year, thus ending my quest for steady/good income. It also helps that I have the most awesome friends in the world. I love you all so much.



dejanae said...

yay on the staying and the prospect of steady income

Maria said...

thanks, love! hope you're doing well :)