Monday, June 2, 2008


The very abridged version of what's been going on:

- Mom went to the hospital for a minor stroke. She's only 51, and the docs say she's fine, but I'm making her see as many specialists as her coverage will allow; I'm not taking any chances.

- I've all but quit my job, as they haven't been paying me and I need to make cash pronto. I still love the work, and would totally still teach if my schedule/budget would allow me to go pro bono; as it stands, though, neither are that generous.

- Bills are piling up like leaves in autumn, and my ability to leave the country in September hangs in the balance because of this fact.

- Rob's been helping me out with my bills, which is so strange for so many reasons (et al., I'm too proud to accept anyone's money, he doesn't have a job, etc.). He and I are (as always) in a strange gray area wherein we (at the moment) don't fornicate with each other [every other word/phrase - "make love", "fuck", "have sex" - seems wrong for some reason] and we have to make a real effort to even like each other most of the time.

- I found out that my dad's been "seeing another woman." Again. [He's been cheating on my mom for at least the past 15 years.] I promptly called the other woman and gave her a talkin' to; I threatened to cut off all ties with my dad if I found out that he continued his indiscretions.

- During my talk with my dad, he employed these mind games that I instantly recognized. He asserted his "father knows best" dominance over me - and neglected the fact that I'm too grown to fall prey to that bullshit. I will respect him because he's my elder and my father, but I will NOT eat up whatever he attempts to spoonfeed me.

- My bonds with certain friends have been developing nicely. They make me feel like I'm never alone, and that I'm a good person - and both of those things are severely lacking from a lot of the friends I've made over the years.

- I took care of two of my godkids, ages 1 and 5, and got a crash course in motherhood. Allergies, ear infections, food poisoning - Jesus! I had them for only four days [they arrived at my house, sick], and let me just say: CRAZY PROPS TO ALL THE MOMS OUT THERE!!! I seriously don't know how you do it.

- I had this moment today where I realized what's wrong/hard about having so many friends in different social circles. It's something about always wanting them to be on your side... I need to think more about this and get back to you.

- I'm breaking out like crazy, feeling ridiculously hormonal, and bloated. Plus, there's a huge and painful zit on my left butt cheek that I'm sure was caused by running around the five boroughs wearing itchy wool pants in 70+ degree weather. (I needed to look "professional" for work, and I misgauged the weather!)

- I think I'm ready to put the comments back on here. No pressure to actually comment or anything, *laugh*


Anonymous said...

Nice place you got here. There's so much on which to comment, and yet, I find myself too exhausted to do it. I'll be back.

I don't know how far you are past the quarter, but it does get better even though it won't feel like it for a while. :)

Maria said...

thanks for the love, A! feel free to comment whenever you want :)

dejanae said...

comments enabled
so here i goes
glad the moms is fine

dang. no pay?
how the hell do they expect to keep people?

father knows best?
how the hell does that work in this situation?
scratches head

i lovem and all but aint tryna handle that anytime soon

i know bout those

dejanae said...

where do u go running?

Maria said...

Hey, D! Thanks for the love! mom's doing really well, all things considering. I hope I have half the strength of will that she does.

yeah, I dunno 'bout that... I've been hustling, picking up temp office gigs, bartending gigs, promotions gigs - basically anything that'll gimme a paycheck. asap... I really love the work and I miss the kids, but I'm too busy on my grind to be somewhere that doesn't gimme *some* green.

my dad's a trip. he's kinda like your dad, all around with the young women. used to be that he liked his women older (my mom is 3 yrs older than him, and my half-bros' mom is about 7 yrs older than him). I dunno what happened... rest assured, I'll be going into more detail about this soon.

LOL word! if you'da seen me scratching my head and turning red, you'da been DYING of laughter! something straight outta a movie like "three men and a little lady." I was like "I love my godkids, but why did their mom haveta drop em off ALL SICK?!"

the butt zit's gone!!! YAY! now I can pretend to have time to go to the beach LOL

Maria said...

I go running at a park right by me, in Queens... I think it's called Woodhaven Park, since it's right on Woodhaven and I remember passing a sign every day, while I'm struggling to make it there, LOL It's maybe 10 or so blocks away from where I live and there's a track and pull up bars, etc. sooo many people come out and work out; body builders, boxers, the works - so I'm never alone.

this, for safety reasons, is awesome. but do I like the fact that so many people see me wheezing and sweating, all uncoordinated after sleeping for 30 mins? LOL not really.