Wednesday, April 2, 2008

From Zeitgeisty's Blog on

“Picture a cube… It can be any type of cube, made of any material, simply your image of what a cube should be. Now, tell me what environment this cube is in, and how does it relate to it’s environment and moreover how does the environment relate to it… Got it? Good.. There’s a horse. Yes there’s a horse in this scenario.. Picture the horse.. describe the physical attributes of this horse, and how it relates to the cube??” *

I have to admit, I read a lot. It's a good diversion while I'm working, and in a lot of ways, this particular blogger strikes me as the type of guy I can chill with. I read his existential ramblings on dating and culture and imagine that a relationship with him would be one of those symbiotic platonic things in which one person espouses their gained knowledge to someone who is obviously headed down a similar pseudo-philosophical life path; he'd be the former and I'd be the latter. (I'm comfortable with either role, but his age and life experience definitely make him the former.) While I gained insight into my would-be later years, he'd feel validated for having experienced all that he's experienced.

Yeah, it's official. I have a brain crush on him.

Anyway, I read his latest blog entry and regrettably didn't linger on the posited psychological examination. For whatever reason - fear that I'd get caught not working? inability to concentrate because my body is clamouring for a vigorous workout? excitement about having glorious sex with a guy I used to fuck in VA? - I just sort of flitted my glance over the words and took all of ten seconds to consider the premise.

So what did I imagine? My cube was a rubix cube, which was large and on an angle, so that three of its sides were visible. It appeared as though most of the work in solving the puzzle had been done, since there were only a few stray blocks on each visible side (although who knows what could be going on on the other sides of the cube?). The rubix cube sides that were visible were green, red, and white, and the cube itself appeared to be substantial. Also, it was hovering in front of an idyllic pastoral scene of rolling verdant hills and friendly glistening streams. The background looked like it'd been painted in oil by some modern landscape artist; it was serene and bountiful. The rubix cube seemed out of place and out of scale with the rest of the picture; it took up maybe 2/3 of the frame in my mind.

The second I started imagining the horse, the cube got smaller. It was still just as substantial as ever, but it took up less space. (Even though, I'm sure, I could've just elongated the frame of my mind's eye.) The horse was a chestnut brown working horse. It looked like one of those stamps from KidPix, although I don't know/remember if there was a horse stamp on KidPix. Anyway, it was the same scale as the rubix cube and it was to the right of the rubix cube. It looked sturdy and dependable, and its body was postured so that, if it looked forward, it would be staring at the rubix cube. Instead, however, the horse stared out of the frame, at me (the observer). Its expression seemed to be one of mild confusion, as if to say, "How did I find myself in this situation?"

Now, WTF does that say about me?!

*The cube is you. The horse is your ‘ultimate partner’.