Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Queries, Quotes and Confessional Observations.

"Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than
it’s worth."
- From "The Sunscreen Song", by Baz Luhrmann

We all go through the same patterns, bigger schemes, emotional hangups, psychological phases, personal triumphs/heartbreaks, etc. Those of us who are able to take note of and accurately relate/report these themes are called artists.

Ever fuck someone knowing that your parents are fucking in the room next door? It's exactly like watching porn - sex augments sex. You get this strange competitive streak and wanna outdo everything you think they're doing... until you realize they're your parents and you're a sick pervert.

Not that I'd know or anything... *looks away and turns deep crimson*

"With the greatest leader above them,
people barely know one exists.

The second-best are praised and revered.
The next, merely respected.
Then the despised.

When trust is unattainable,
there is no sufficiency.

Trust the cautious sage
whose words are most carefully chosen.

With all we accomplish, we can say
only that we did what comes naturally."
- From "Tao Te Ching", written by Lao Tzu, translated by Sam Hamill

As I'm writing the stories in "23", I'm taking some passages directly from my blogs. It's funny how you do something in following the zeitgeist, and end up making real use of it in the future.

The word "opportunist" is defined and implicated with such negative connotations. Aren't we all opportunists? At what point do we go from "taking advantage of situations" to "manipulating people"?

I started writing out my list of people to write letters to. I meant to write 25 letters. So far, I've found 28 people to write to.

The thought crossed my mind that after sending out these letters, I could compile them into the most confessional and true-to-life collection of my indescretions.

But that would be trife, right? I mean, the intimacy between me and the recipient of the letter would be compromised, and my apology would seem more like an afterthought to an artistic endeavor... So I'm not gonna do it.

It's all for the best. As much of an "artist" as I say I am, I don't know how comfortable I'd be knowing that all of my biggest mistakes were on display, together and in public.

Given the level of responsibility and obligation in keeping a relationship on the up-and-up, is it possible to be "good friends" with lots of people (10 or 15)? Or are there simply not enough hours in a day/days in a week to make that kind of commitment?

I felt a pang of insecurity
as close friends hovered over me.
Sitting so close to The Past, I
wondered if all the better days
had passed, and imagined they'd have
benefited from the lingering of my
But The Future beckoned
and laughed at my worries, and smiled
with the unflinching resolve of the wise.
And I discarded my self-depracating ways
in a hurry, and remembered there's no
reason for my Present presence to be shy.

I don't know what exactly I mean to resolve, fix, or change with these letters that I'm writing. I just have an overwhelming feeling that writing them is the right thing to do.

I kind of wish I'da kept my sex toy reviewer gig. I coulda gotten my hands on some chice merch.

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